Huston Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM

Feb 17, 2023
A car's wheel being repaired

Your car’s radiator is one of the most important parts of its cooling system, and if it starts to develop problems, it can quickly lead to engine damage. That’s why it’s essential to be on the lookout for signs that your car needs radiator repair. Your local Chrysler dealer can share some of the most common things to watch for.

Coolant Is Leaking From the Radiator

When driving down the road, it can be very concerning to see a coolant puddle leaking from your car’s radiator. Coolant keeps your engine running smoothly, but if your vehicle loses it, you may have a big problem.

An immediate repair is necessary to ensure that your engine stays healthy and running smoothly. If left unchecked, the lack of coolant could cause severe damage to critical engine components and potentially result in costly repairs.

The Radiator Hose Is Cracked or Damaged

The radiator hose is an often overlooked item in a vehicle, yet its failure can lead to serious problems. If your radiator hose is cracked or damaged, it’s essential to have it fixed as soon as possible. Not doing so can cause the cooling system to malfunction and eventually lead the engine to overheat.

Always keep an eye out for irregularities in the performance of your car; catching a broken radiator hose early will save you a lot of hassle in the future. Plus, it is cheaper than fixing more extensive issues further down the line.

Steam Is Coming From Under the Hood

Checking under the hood of your car is usually the first step you take when something seems off. However, it can be an alarming sight if you see steam rising out from under there. This could be due to overheating unless it’s a hot summer day and you’ve been driving for a while.

Make sure to turn off your vehicle immediately, let it cool down and check the coolant level in the radiator too. If this happens regularly, it could be time for a trip to the dealer for more thorough diagnostics.

Temperature Gauge Is Reading Hot

If your car’s temperature gauge is reading hot, it is a sign that it needs repair of the radiator. This could be due to several reasons, including a faulty thermostat, a leak in the radiator, or an air pocket in the cooling system. It is crucial to identify the source of the problem and have it repaired before severe damage occurs.

Is your car overheating? It could be due to radiator issues. If you notice the above symptoms, take your vehicle for repair immediately. Visit Huston Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM today if your car’s radiator is in need of repair.

Image via Pixabay

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